Transportation Safety (DOT)

Pre-Trip Inspection

Safety is the most important reason you inspect
your vehicle, safety for yourself and for other road users.

A vehicle defect found during an inspection could
save you problems later. You could have a
breakdown on the road that will cost time and
dollars, or even worse, a crash caused by the defect.

Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect
their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also
may inspect your vehicles. If they judge the vehicle
to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is fixed.


Video 28 min. →

Space Management

To be a safe driver, you need space all around your
vehicle. When things go wrong, space gives you
time to think and to take action.

To have space available when something goes
wrong, you need to manage space. While this is true
for all drivers, it is very important for large vehicles.
They take up more space and they require more
space for stopping and turning.



VIDEO 35 min. →

Distracted Driving

Hours of Service (HOS)